
As of now each and every Person needs ivermectin to survive due to this pandemic situation. That is why we have come up with a simple chart below. As well as, save you and yours family and friends lives. With this pandemic, and all the uncertainties that come with it, it’s important to be proactive rather than reactive. Keep yourself, your loved ones, and friends safe ahead of time.

We here at Aspar Pharmaceuticals appreciate you as a customer, and hope you will reach out and share our services with others.

1. Pre Covid:

People who have not yet experienced Covid symptoms and want to have the medicines for prevention, they can now take the medicine as per mentioned below.

WeightIvermectin 12 mgIvermectin 6 mgIvermectin 3 mg
68 – 89 lbs1 Pill1 Pill
90 – 130 lbs1 Pill
131 – 170 lbs 1 Pill1 Pill
171 – 199 lbs 1 Pill1 Pill
200 – 230 lbs 2 Pills
231 – 285 lbs 2 Pills1 Pills
Note: Every dose is for once a day per head

2. During Covid:

Required Doses mentioned below with Patient’s Weight:

68 – 89 lbs

Ziverdo Kit – (Combination for Ivermectin, Doxycycline, and Zinc)

90 – 130 lbs

Ivermectin 12 mg – 1 Pill

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg – 1 Pill

Doxycycline 100 mg – 2 Capsule

131 – 170 lbs

Ivermectin 15 mg – 1 Pill (12 mg) + 1 Pill (3 mg)

Azithromycin 500 mg – 1 Pill

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg – 1 Pill

171 – 199 lbs

Ivermectin 18 mg – 1 Pill (12 mg) + 1 Pill (6 mg)

Doxycycline 100 mg – 2 Capsule

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg – 2 Pills

200 – 230 lbs

Ivermectin 24 mg – 2 Pills (12 mg)

Azithromycin 500 mg – 2 Pills

Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – 1 Pill

Pirfenext 200 mg – 1 Pill (If breathing problem)

231 – 285 lbs

Ivermectin 27 mg – 2 Pills (12 mg) – 1 Pill (3 mg)

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg – 1 Pill

Doxyccline 100 mg – 2 Capsule

Pirfenext 200 mg – 1 Pill (If breathing problem)

Note: Every dose is for once a day. Continue these doses until recovery.

3. Post Covid:

After covid you will have to take ivermectin for 15 days. Doses will be the same as Pre-Covid.

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